Lakeside Bible Camp | Summer Camp And Weekend Retreats
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Join Us for a Winter Retreat on Scenic Whidbey Island, WA

Discover a season to become deeply rooted—Know What You Believe and Why while connecting with others in faith.


proclaiming christ.

Powerful experiences, significant memories, and endless fun.


Our Programs

Lakeside Bible Camp is a Christian camp all about nourishing children, adults, and families through amazing experiences and outreach programs. Our goal is to proclaim the Good News of the Gospel and provide the best opportunities to create lasting relationships with God and others through exceptional programming at camp.

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Our Mission

For over 60 years Lakeside has been a place to hear solid biblical teaching and a place to experience Jesus Christ, whether for the first time or if you’ve known him your whole life. LBC thrives on partnering with local churches and volunteers to create life-changing camping experiences for kids, youth, and families.

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Our Impact

Lakeside Bible Camp’s impact is shown through the ongoing dedication of new and old ministry partners who give time and money to make LBC successful in its mission year after year. From financial giving to leading a cabin to working on the grounds and every other gift that is given - Lakeside exists because of the team of volunteers and donors who know its worth.

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“There are no friends like camp friends! I made deep lasting relationships at LBC I enjoy to this day.”



“I made a decision to follow Christ at a family camp as a child. My happiest childhood memories of summer happened at LBC. Some of my dearest friendships started at LBC and continue to this day.”



Get Involved

Interested in being a partner with Lakeside Bible Camp? There are so many ways to serve. Feel free to send us a message regarding specific skills or ways you would like to give to support our ministry and we will reply with potential options. Or explore our posted ways you can support Lakeside Bible Camp through service or financial contribution.


Sign Up For TCL

Training in Christian Living teaches youth that being a disciple of Jesus is about becoming a servant through biblical training.

Volunteer opportunities

Every year our programs and operations depend on people who donate their time, skills, and energy to our mission.

Make a Donation

Contribute to the general fund to support where LBC needs it most, or donate to a specific fund.