WHAT is Summer Staff?
Summer Staff is meant to be a vibrant faith experience for those who come and serve. It is a missional experience in that those who join a crew come and use their gifts and talents to sacrificially serve according to the mission of LBC. The Staff are made up of three different teams that work together for the goal of presenting everyone perfect in Christ (Col 1:28). What does it mean to serve on Summer Staff? Once accepted, it means to come to LBC and give God everything you have to work and to be a servant. If you come with that mindset, it will be one of most rewarding summers of your life.
LBC is looking for young adults who have a heart to serve Jesus and love people by taking up the role of servant. The Summer Crew will operate as a team directed by the Staff Directors for 2025. The Summer Crew consists of lifeguards, recreation coordinators, café baristas, and craft coordinators. Applicants must be at least 18 years old when the Summer starts. Must serve at least 3 weeks to be considered for an honorarium.
The Staff Assistants consists of FOUR positions who will be mentored by the LBC Core staff and the Staff Directors. Positions for this team are the Office Assistant, TCL Projects, Program Assistant & the Kitchen Assistant. Applicants will ideally be at least 20 years. Must serve at least 3 weeks to be considered for an honorarium.
TCL Cabin Leaders for the 3-week TCL are now included in the umbrella of Summer Staff. We do this to ensure that there will be an honorarium. We are looking for young, mature believers who jump at opportunities to disciple teens. So these cabin leaders should be at least 20 years old. We are looking for individuals with assertion to speak into someone’s life and yet still have the grace to help them develop toward servanthood. The honorarium for TCL cabin leaders is $1000 if serving for one of the 3-week sessions. If you can serve for both 3-week sessions, there is an honorarium of $2400.
If you need assisstance with your application, email Daniel Jensen (dcm@lakesidebiblecamp.org).
Summer CRew Positions
Camp Baristas prepare exquisite drinks and sell both tasty snacks and fun merchandise in the LBC Cafe. You will assist in managing the camp store, including maintaining inventory, cleanliness, and operating the point of sale. Those taking on this role work alongside LBC’s Cafe Manager. An LBC barista need a current food handlers permit . (1 - 2 Positions)
*In order to fulfill this role, you must be 21 years of age and have a Washington State Boater Education Card.
The boat driver creates a memorable experience for campers by creating a safe environment, pulling people on inner tubes, wakeboards, waterskis and wake surf boards. The boat driver is also responsible for boat maintenance and will work with the Facilities Director on camp projects as needed. (1 Position)
The Craft Coordinator plans, prepares, and teaches arts and craft projects to campers of all ages,, whether in the ark or by a picnic table outside. This individual also contributes to creatively bringing LBC’s summer theme to life around camp. (1 Position)
Each summer LBC requires several Lifeguards to work as a team to maintain a safe swim area as well as manage other aquatic activities and equipment. You must be a certified lifeguard prior to arrival at camp Lifeguards are also asked to help with Lost & Found by gathering any items left behind on the day of check-out and placing them in the laundry room to be washed and placed into a bin for that camp. (Up to 4 Positions)
Our recreation coordinators work mainly at the Climbing Wall or BMX Track to help campers experience new things, overcome challenges, as well as build trust and confidence. They are also instrumental in helping campers HAVE FUN! (Up to 3 Positions)
As a Kitchen Assistant you will work alongside LBC’s Kitchen Manager to order and store the food and paper goods needed to feed campers and staff throughout the summer. Occasionally, you will be asked to prepare food under the direction of that week’s Head Cook. The kitchen assistant also helps lead TCL students in kitchen and dining services such as meal prep and dish crew. This position requires a current food handlers permit. Please email Cody Stigers if you are interested in this position. (1 Position)
This individual works in the office to help camp the Registrar and relate to people on the phone. There will also be opportunities to help promote the camp by using Social Media and editing the videos for the week.
The primary responsibility of the media assistant is to capture the magic of camp on camera and tell the camp story through pictures and film. This person also works with the weekly program directors to provide assistance during chapel times, running audio & visual assistance. Please email Daniel Jensen if you are interested in this position. (1 Position)
The person in this role supports the Facilities Director in maintaining Lakeside’s vast property, as well as developing and leading work projects for TCL participants under the guidance of the Facilities Director . Please email Hiram Beach if you are interested in this position. (1 Positions)
3-week TCL Cabin LEaders
TCL Cabin Leaders are coaches & shepherds who seek to train the teens in TCL to develop spiritual disciplines for a life-time of change. So these Cabin Leaders should have the assertion to speak about difficult topics and the grace to have compassion where needed. We want the cabin leaders to be godly examples for the TCL to look up to and who we would want the teens to try and model after. Each TCL utilizes 2 cabin leaders for guys and 2 cabin leaders for girls. (8 Positions)
If you are interested in serving on Summer Staff in 2025, read our mission and affirmation of faith and dress code to ensure alignment & understanding. We encourage you to apply, pray, and carefully and ask any questions you may have!
Summer Staff
The LBC Summer Staff is team of teams dedicated to see the gospel of Jesus Christ change lives. Our Summer Staff members contribute with variety of gifts and talents as they serve in specific roles. They support the program team to make camp fun, memorable, and most importantly…meaningful for campers. For most of the Staff, the Summer season kicks off with the weekend of the Summer Work Party (June 6-7). The first two weeks of the Summer are spent training, decorating, and coming together as a team. It’s reasonable to expect that some people will not be able to arrive as early as June 6, due to finals and graduation circumstances. The arrival of staff is expected to crescendo into the full team prior to the start of TCL. Arrive as early as you can to join the team.
The end of Summer in 2025 will look a little different than in recent past with the addition of two more weeks of Family Camp. Staff who serve the full 12 weeks of the Summer can qualify to receive $3000 to $3300.
Be ready to Serve! Throughout the Summer, you will be called upon to help run many parts of the program and operations of camp - we do it all as a team!
As a member of the Summer Staff you join a community of like-minded individuals who serve at Lakeside because you believe in the power of camp and desire to join God in building his kingdom. Together we are on mission for the sake of Christ. While your main focus should be serving God and people during your time here, you will also be part of a spiritual community that includes full-time staff and leaders who are committed to investing in your growth and developing your God-given talents. The Summer Staff become a vital art of the LBC ministry; a ministry that relies on exemplary service.
When considering how to maximize your monetary value of the summer, remember that serving at LBC can come at a very LOW cost to you.
Meals and housing are provided throughout the summer, as well as the financial stipend at the end of service.
You will spend less money while serving at camp than if you had to commute to your job every day.
You get to grow spiritually in a unique environment with directors who care about you and mentors who cheer you on for life.
LBC Summer Staff is a great way to develop professional and personal skills that will help prepare you to go into the World being built up in your faith.